Posts Tagged ‘ mentor ’

The Leadership Campaign book review by the PracticaL Mentor

Jun 12th, 2016 | By | Category: Career advice

I am thankful for the invitation from Career Press to review Scott Miller’s and David Morey’s new book The Leadership Campaign. At last there is a book that bridges the separation between political campaigns and business. The Leadership Campaign by Scott Miller and David Morey is a must read for all of us who are […]

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“The Next Gen Leader” By Robert C McMillan – Book Review

Apr 18th, 2014 | By | Category: application, aptitude, career choice, career coach, challenges, competitive challenges, competitive environment, confidence, focus, mentor, natural talent, negativity, opportunity, passion, professional image, strategy, tactics, training

“The Next Gen Leader” –Cutting Edge Strategies to Make You the Leader You Were Born to Be- by Robert C. McMillan – The PracticaL Mentor’s book review I am thankful for the invitation from Career Press to review: “The Next Gen Leader” – Cutting Edge Strategies to Make You the Leader You Were Born to […]

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Career Coach

Nov 10th, 2012 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, Career advice, career choice, career choices, career coach, challenges, choosing a career, strategy, tactics

Did you ever have a challenge or an issue, and you had no one to talk it over with? You may try talking with friends or coworkers, but they just don’t seem to get it, or their advice seems tainted with self-interest. Usually by the time we have started our careers, we are beyond our […]

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What Should I Tell The Boss?

Oct 7th, 2012 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, challenges, choosing a mentor, difficult boss, fear, office problems, self confidence, stress, success

This is a common question on a host of topics from being late for work to quitting a job. I look at Yahoo.answers almost everyday, and respond to questions it the Career and Employment Category. There are a variety of questions related to the workplace and careers, but it seems there are large percentage of […]

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Staying in “The Zone”

Feb 13th, 2012 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, challenges, confidence, mentor, self confidence, strategy, tactics

Once in a while it seems like everything is going our way. Even if we encounter challenges they are small and easy to deal with, which makes feel even more in control. Sometimes these periods last for weeks, even months, other times only a few days. However the feeling they give us is like an […]

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A Mentor

Jan 29th, 2012 | By | Category: finding a mentor, mentor, strategy, tactics

Last evening I spent with my daughters and some of their friends. Most of the quests were in their middle 20s to late 30s. The conversation bounced around a lot from topic to topic, but it seemed to always return to their jobs and careers. There were several things that interested me in their discussions, […]

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Labor Day

Sep 5th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, Career advice, career choice, challenges, focus, opportunity, recession, strategy, tactics, training

According to the news, Labor Day is the second most popular day for resetting career goals. It seems fitting on the day set aside to honor worker’s contribution to society that our thoughts naturally focus on our own contributions, and careers. While we all want to contribute to society, our main career goal is to […]

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Give your boss some credit.

Aug 20th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, difficult boss, giving credit

It is only natural to take credit for our accomplishments. We work hard to advance our careers. However, we usually had some help along the way. It is good to recognize and thank those who helped us. When I think back over my career two areas spring instantly to mind; my accomplishments, and my difficulties. […]

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Its time to think for ourselves.

Aug 7th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, challenges, self confidence, strategy

This week has been really one for the record books when it comes to bad financial news. The US slipped from it AAA bond rating for the first time, and many predict it is the first step down the slippery slope to complete financial collapse. This follows on the political shenanigans revolving around raising the […]

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Living within our intellectual means.

Jul 31st, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, Career advice, challenges, intellectual property, mentor, professional image, skills, success

When thinking of living within our means, the first thing that springs to mind is our bank account. “Don’t spend more than you make” the first rule of financial stability. Is the same true with our skills and talents? Don’t give more than you receive. Sound selfish? What about “you have to give before receive” […]

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Trying too hard?

Jun 26th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, mentor, trying too hard

It is ingrained in our psyche. The harder we try the more likely it is we will succeed. It is drilled into us by our parents, teachers, coaches, and all would be givers of sage advice. Hard work = Success.; If at first you don’t succeed try harder; The harder you try the more you […]

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Need A Mentor?

May 22nd, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, career choice, mentor, opportunity, professional image, strategy, success

Need a Mentor? If you don’t have a mentor, or don’t have a good mentor you need one. Although we take credit for our accomplishments, as well we should, usually there is one or more people behind our success. We all learned to walk, and most of us think we did ourselves thorough endless ties […]

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How To Be Ready When Opportunity Knocks.

Apr 3rd, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, career choice, opportunity, strategy

Hard work and perseverance are the bricks and mortar of building a successful career, but being able to attract and accept opportunities are the construction cranes that lift you to new heights. There are endless number of success stories of people being in the right place at the right time, and securing a ticket to […]

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Leadership By Reputation

Mar 13th, 2011 | By | Category: A game, abundance, Career advice, career challenges, competing, competitive peers, mentor, strategy, success, tactics

Even leaders can gain from a mentor and mentoring comes in many forms. I am becoming a fan of the TV show Survivor. In many respects it is a microcosm that reflects leadership strategies. In my opinion the game of resembles the workplace. There are teams that compete against each other while each individual is […]

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Perks or Pay?

Jan 23rd, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, economy, focus, mentor, negotiations, perks, skills, strategy, stress, success, tactics

Most of us focus only on salary when negotiating our employment packages, but it is worth your time to evaluate what perks may be worth to you in both money and quality of life. There is more pressure than ever for businesses to hold down costs, with special emphasis on wages. It may be easier […]

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Evaluate Your Communication Skills

Jan 9th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, challenges, communication skills, competing, confidence

One of the most common overestimations we make is our ability to communicate effectively. Most of us have been communicating since birth to get our message across to others. An infant almost instinctively learns to get mother’s attention when hungry, in need of maintenance or attention. Usually this involves making an annoying noise (crying) until […]

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New Year Resolutions

Dec 21st, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, challenges, new year, new year resolution, strategy, stress, success, tactics

Making New Year Resolutions is a tradition for most of us. It is sure the hot    media topic for the swing week between Christmas and New Year’s Eve. While the  mood of Christmas puts most of us in a festive mood, it also causes most of us to  be reflective on personal and professional […]

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Should I Attend the Holiday Office Party?

Dec 13th, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, career choice, competitive challenges, competitive environment, competitive peers, confidence, focus, mentor, negativity, office problems, personality

If the question “Should I attend the holiday office party?” even rises to a    conscious level you may have more issues than just the office party. Depending on your office culture, office parties may vary from very wild to    extremely dull. Most fall somewhere in the middle. Very few office parties leave  office […]

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Focus on Your Goals

Nov 28th, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, Career advice, career choices, challenges, confidence, focus, mentor, self confidence, skills, strategy, success

There is a lot of conventional wisdom and advice that says to be successful you must set goals and work hard to achieve them. Although setting goals and hard work may be essential to success, there seems to be something missing. Others add that you should have a plan to achieve your goal, a map […]

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Nov 21st, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, application, Career advice, challenges, competitive challenges, confidence, negativity, self confidence, strategy, success, tactics, Thanksgiving

Many of us are caught up in situations that are less than ideal, and sometimes Thanksgiving highlights the negatives rather than accentuating the positives. So instead of giving thanks for all we have, we dwell on the negatives. Perhaps I am an idealist and think that Thanksgiving should be like a Norman Rockwell setting in […]

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