Posts Tagged ‘ difficult boss ’

What Should I Tell The Boss?

Oct 7th, 2012 | By | Category: abundance, Career advice, challenges, choosing a mentor, difficult boss, fear, office problems, self confidence, stress, success

This is a common question on a host of topics from being late for work to quitting a job. I look at Yahoo.answers almost everyday, and respond to questions it the Career and Employment Category. There are a variety of questions related to the workplace and careers, but it seems there are large percentage of […]

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What Makes Workers Happy?

Sep 16th, 2012 | By | Category: Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, competitive challenges, competitive environment, difficult boss, difficult coworkers, problem, stress

In focusing on what makes for a good boss, or a good job. There are many theories, and number of items on a composite wish list is long. Have you ever tried to come up with a list of things that would make your boss more tolerable, or make you job more satisfying? I never […]

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Guide On How To Cope With A Difficult Boss

Jul 1st, 2012 | By | Category: career choice, challenges, difficult boss, office problems, strategy, tactics

The PracticaL Mentor’s Guide On How To Cope With A Difficult Boss. Introduction Thought all my years working part time after school, military service, college, and 37 years in the workforce, the number one problem encountered by my coworkers and me was a difficult boss. For the last few years I have been giving advice […]

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The Queen of Hearts

Jun 3rd, 2012 | By | Category: career challenges, challenges, difficult boss, negativity, tactics

Its Not You Its Your Boss! The PracticaL Mentor’s Guide On How To Cope With A Difficult Boss has something for everyone. Go to Buy Now There are few jobs where there is not someone in a supervisory capacity overseeing the work. Even if you are a supervisor you have someone supervising you. More often […]

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Book Review:”How To Work For An Idiot” by John Hoover PhD

Nov 21st, 2011 | By | Category: career challenges, challenges, difficult boss, strategy, tactics

Book Review I am thankful for the invitation from Career Press to review the revised edition of: How To Work For An Idiot – Survive And Thrive Without Killing Your Boss In his revised version of “How To Work For An Idiot”, Dr. John Hoover PhD has added all 10 types of bosses that he […]

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Ill effects of a bad boss.

Oct 30th, 2011 | By | Category: abundance, difficult boss, negativity

This too shall pass, is a very common mantra for those who work for a difficult boss. While conditions may very from a nuance to sever, the effects are very similar. Day-after-day the situation with the boss occupies the majority of the workday, and for most of us most of waking hours. Stress is difficult […]

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Top Six Office Gripes

Jul 25th, 2010 | By | Category: abundance, aptitude, Career advice, career challenges, career choices, challenges, difficult boss, mentor, negativity, office problems, personality, persuasion, problem, success

The July – August edition of Psychology Today ( has an article on six office top gripes and how to fix them. The six topics chosen are: Procrastination; Difficult Boss; Really Difficult Boss; Projects not going well; Feeling Negative; and Working too many hours. I am not sure how they came up with the list. […]

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